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by Joan M. Veon
Free Lance Journalist to UN Conferences

I had never paid any attention to what the United Nations was really doing until I went to the UN International Conference on Population and Development in September, 1994 which was held in Cairo, Egypt. There, to my shock, I saw the United Nations functioning as a "one world government." It is because of subsequent research that I was compelled to go to the UN Social Summit held in March 6 - 13, 1995 in Copenhagen, Denmark. This article will provide you with some background as to how the "economics" of the Summit will affect "Joe and Jane Average American".

Since I am an investment professional, I track a number of economic trends. One of these is the change in the value of the dollar. For a number of years I have been watching the dollar drop against two major world currencies, the German mark and the Japanese yen. In 1992, I picked up a book called Euroquake by Daniel Burstein. What was so interesting about this book is that Mr. Burstein had six pages of acknowledgments to literally everyone involved in money and politics in the world--- from Jacques Delores and Boutros Boutros- Ghali including every liberal think tank, government leader and presidents of key multinational corporations. What was even more interesting were his "100 Predictions for the 90's," in particular #95, "A new global currency agreement will be hammered out between 1995 and 1997...it may be even the precursor of a single globe-spanning currency....The new exchange rates will reflect the economic strength achieved by Europe and Japan, and the erosion of competitiveness in the United States...the bottom line will be a massive devaluation of American assets, analogous to fixing today's exchange rates at Y =1.05 = $1.00 and DM 1.20 = $1.00."

Between 1985 and 1987, the dollar had already dropped about 53% against both of these currencies and now it was going to drop considerably more, according to Mr. Burstein. As a Christian interested in the "end times", I could see where this was leading, to a one world currency. The only time you need to use currency is to support the economic transactions of a government. Therefore, I could see this leading to world government...but who?

Attending the UN International Conference on Population and Development in September, 1994 in Cairo was not on my agenda. A lady friend suggested I should go to Cairo because of the pro-abortion agenda. I told her that while it might propagate the largest condom handout in history, I had a business and it wasn't on my list of things to do. Well, God has a way of changing minds. I began studying the World Bank for business reasons using a book I had purchased six months earlier entitled, Mortgaging the Earth by Bruce Rich. In the first five chapters of the book, he told about all of the human misery the World Bank had caused in their fifty years of existence. He described how all of the developmental loans which the World Bank had made to Third World countries to improve their finances had soured because the developmental projects failed thus leaving these countries completely broke. He also showed how those developmental projects would not have worked in the first place and told how all of the proceeds from the sale of their own natural resources are going to pay the World Bank, IMF and other private lenders which leaves the country with no monies for hospitals, schools, infrastructure or jobs, thereby perpetuating terrible poverty in those countries.

While I had read an article or two about this in The Wall Street Journal, I had not really given much thought to what I was reading, however, I was now incensed! All of a sudden I had the "global picture" because in Cairo, what the UN wanted to do was reduce the population of the world and after all, doesn't starvation through poverty do the same thing? This still wasn't enough to prompt me. I then found out that my Congresswoman, Constance Morella (R-MD), had introduced in the House Foreign Relations Committee, HR 2447, to have the American taxpayers fund world abortion. As I read her bill, I shook my head and said to myself "Where did this lady get this stuff? Did she dream it up?" It wasn't until I


obtained a copy of the Cairo Programme of Action that I realized her bill was a clone of the Programme of Action. Most interestingly, she had first introduced her bill in May, 1993, 1 1/2 years before Cairo! That was it, I had to go.

What I saw in Cairo, I was not prepared for. As a Christian, I understood there would be a "world government" in the last days and believe me, I had done a lot of reading and was "looking for it," but did not anticipate finding it in Cairo as there was no other conclusion a person could have come to. What I saw was glaring, real, and most of all powerful. In addition, I saw the part which the U.S. State Department played as they orchestrated all the moves of the Third World countries. The control was evident as former Colorado Senator Timothy Wirth, now Undersecretary for Global Affairs, would get up at the daily press briefings and talk about how the U.S. State Department was making progress with the delegations they were speaking to and how he intended to speak to them all. I did not really think about what it meant until I started hearing from others in the press corps that the world delegations were being "financially persuaded" to accept the Programme of Action. Also, I heard the pleas of journalists from third world countries beg the World Bank for debt relief which didn't happen. Do you see what I see?

Naturally, all the questions I asked Mr. Wirth had to do with finances. "Where will you get the money? Do the American people know about this? How can the U.S. afford to pay for the global abortion program when the dollar is at a low, the trade deficit is at a high, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates five times?" Not until I understood the real agenda behind the Social Summit, did I realize why Mr. Wirth did not like my questions. It did not matter if I asked the question or if anyone else asked a question of various world leaders such as Lewis Preston from the World Bank, Sir Shridath Ramphal from The Commission on Global Governance, Timothy Wirth or others from the UN or UN- related groups and organizations, no one wanted to be accountable to me or anyone else for that matter.

I came home mad. I realized the "UN Population Control Conference" was tied to two other conferences--the Social Summit in Copenhagen in March, 1995 and the Fourth Women's Conference in Beijing in September, 1995, each six months apart.

Because I am a visual, I have to see information on paper and ended up compiling a briefing book. While doing my research I came across a "dual" or hidden agenda for the Social Summit. I was absolutely shocked. I had sent for some information from Bella Abzug's group, WEDO. Among the items sent was a copy of a chapter entitled "An Agenda for the Social Summit" from a book called Human Development Report 1994. I expected to find the same agenda as was in the Draft Working Papers for the Social Summit, however, it was completely different. It called for, among other things, the following:

1. A New world Social Charter People of the world pledging to build a new global civil society ...where diversity is a strength, not a weakness...where the world would redistribute wealth as it cannot survive one-fourth rich and 3/4's poor, where the United Nations must become the principal custodian of global human security and that it needed to be strengthened for the [new] development role it was going to take on, the Social Summit objectives.

2. Mobilization of the Oscar Arias Peace Plan for all countries to reduce military spending by 3% a year and have the UN to strengthen the UN Register of Conventional Armaments.

3. Global Taxation - Finding sources of monies for the UN so that it could fulfill its mandate to address the "growing challenges of human security to protect the options of unborn generations".

4. Empower the UN by creating an Economic Security Council, strengthening the current branches of power, changing the charter to allow it to meet full time and allowing it to have its own permanent volunteer army.


What I saw, in essence, was a complete and final empowerment of the UN as a global, one world government. I also realized the UN was not really concerned with the goals to eliminate poverty, unemployment and social disintegration but that it was an excuse to pass a global tax for self-empowerment! To put it in the words of Congressman Christopher Smith who commented to me with regards to the Cairo Programme of Action, "Sure, there are some sugar pills, but most are poison pills."

I found it extremely interesting that Barings Bank went down a week before Copenhagen because of derivative trading and knew that it might be connected with the Summit in some way. I knew, however, what the real agenda was going to be. I was not disappointed. On Sunday, the UN held a pre-summit press briefing to "acquaint us with the speakers". On the first panel was Inge Kaul, co-author of the Human Development Report, Juan Somavia, Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit, Nitin Desai, who heads the Secretariat of the World Summit and Poul Nielson, Denmark's Minister for Development Cooperation. From the moment after they said "Welcome," the emphasis was on global taxation for the UN. During the question and answer time, I asked Inge Kaul "Why should the countries of the world provide the UN with $350B in monies from the various global taxes you are suggesting which is $340B more than what you spent worldwide in 1993?" Her answer, which was about seven minutes long, included the following "....I would hope that it would come to the UN...somehow the money has slipped away from us ....we have come to realize that the growth model doesn't work. We must have environment, we must have social development and the environmental concerns which have come out of the UN. I think it would be only logical...and it is logical that the money comes back to the UN." Who is the UN to determine for the United States that the capitalistic system does not work any longer and that we must adopt another model?

The next panel consisted of former congresswoman (NY-D) Bella Abzug, Dr.Mahbub ul Haq, chief architect of the Human Development Report, Richard Jolly, Acting Executive Director of UNICEF and several others. What we heard from most of these people, including Bella Abzug, is that if the UN had a global tax, it would eliminate and reduce all of the currency fluctuations in the world, and problems like the Mexican peso crisis and Barings Bank! That was it. Create a situation whereby when you make a recommendation, you are seen as "already fixing a problem." How cunning and who cares how many people's life savings are destroyed as long as the end justifies the means! The dollar fell in one week 10% against the Japanese yen to a new historic low of 90 yen to $1.00 and to 1.40 Deutsche Mark to the $1.00. Since 1985 , the dollar has dropped 65% against the yen and 58% against on the deutsche mark. We only have the deutsche mark to drop further against in order to be in line with Daniel Burstein's prediction of 1.20.

Let me explain the international tax which the UN is referring to. In 1981, James Tobin, a Nobel Economics prize winner, suggested that the UN tax 1/2 of 1% the $1T which trade on a daily basis in the international currency markets. This would generate $1.5T per year for the UN. The Human Development Report 1994 is only recommending 5/100 of 1% which would generate $150B per year which is still 15 times what it spent world wide in 1993. They say by taxing the profits of the monies which trade in the international currency markets, they will reduce the fluctuation in the value of currencies.

Maybe we should ask ourselves Why should the peoples of the world let the UN assess a tax on any transaction when the market movement of monies or products is on a supply and demand basis which includes the political and economic aspects of a country, company or product and allow this particular group of people the income from it? The next question should be about the sovereignty of the United States and protecting our own interests.

With regard to the currency fluctuation, I have a client who trades on the international currency market for a Fortune 500 company. When I explained this tax to her she commented that it would do nothing....which means the UN could come back and say they have to increase the amount of tax in order to reduce the currency fluctuation and therefore raise anywhere between $150B to $1.5T a year. The beauty of this system is that no country has to pay any fees to the UN, thus freeing up current monies assessed to the


country. If you are starving, this would be like finding a bag of silver coins. Who wouldn't vote for this? Do you see what I see?

What really happened in Copenhagen? The UN set a new mandate for their services for the next 50 years. You could pick it up in the opening speeches. These same people, referred to above, said the following: "A new type of political process has brought us where we are," "This is a transition from peacekeeping to an economic social force--look at the world in terms of a new compact, new dialogue, where everyone gains", "You must link and network your global presence on gender issues, environment, worker's rights, population, peace, trade and social questions into a powerful and united force that can spearhead a worldwide civil society movement." Boutros Boutros-Ghali called for a "new social contract."

In order for the UN to achieve the goals of human development, which they have created and defined, they need a global tax (finances) and permanent power. The UN will commemorate its 50th Anniversary in June. What is their message to us? They are in the final thrust for world power. In the first 50 years, they set up their global structure and seized the territory held by Third World countries who are in financial and political bondage to the UN. In the writers' opinion, the second 50 years will comprise the final thrust--the Republic of the United States, the only country left with a Constitution in which people are given their rights by God versus rights by government or law which means they can change according to the whims of government. In order to do that, they need the finances to provide them with monies to pay a standing volunteer army and changes in their charter to mandate a permanent volunteer army, meet on a permanent basis, and create an Economic Security Council and World Central Bank, both of which would complete the financial and economic foundation already created at the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944.

These recommendations are found both in a number of reports, while we could list them here, we will only mention the Human Development Report 1994 and the findings of The Commission on Global Governance in their report, Our GLOBAL Neighborhood which was released in March. It was in Cairo, that I first became acquainted with The Commission on Global Governance. Funded primarily by The Ford Foundation, the Commission is comprised of 24 world leaders who are looking to determine "How the world should mange the affairs of the planet in the post-Cold War era." The Commission believes the "global tax is an idea whose time has come."

The majority of the 120 world leaders at this Summit, the largest number in the history of any UN conference, confirmed either the global tax or the restructuring of the UN as a permanent government. The speech of Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson of Sweden is key, "A world consensus has been established on critical issues; the rights of children, sustainable development, human rights and population and development...The cold war is over....Social development and justice also has a financial price...new ideas must be explored. The Commission's report, Our GLOBAL Neighborhood, sets out a vision for a....world in which the security of people and the security of the planet have the same priority as the security of states...The recent turbulence on the global financial markets has once again demonstrated the need for improving global economic governance... establishing an economic security council...All the efforts at reforming the UN should be seen as one process...I propose that this process should be summed up at a World Conference on Global Governance in 1998. Its decisions could then be put into effect by the year 2000, giving world democracy new strength in the new millennium..."

Daniel Burstein was only a year off when he wrote about a new global currency agreement being hammered out between 1995 to 1997. In the final edition of the conference newspaper, Politiken Summit, it stated that France, Canada, and Denmark had voiced support for the global tax idea which was going to be "raised at the next Group of 7 meeting among the seven richest countries." For an idea that was not officially part of the Programme of Action, these "new and innovative" ideas as put forth by the UN gained acceptance very fast.


In addition, a separate but related meeting was held during the week of the Social Summit at a separate location outside of Copenhagen by world financial leaders. Officials from two of the largest investment services industry met and openly debated a challenge put to them by principals of the United Nations to participate directly in the social development of countries around the world. The two day meeting, entitled "Money matters" Financing Social Development in the 21st Century," was sponsored by State Street Bank of Boston, who manages $1.8T in pensions funds, and Fidelity Investments, the world's largest mutual fund company, in association with the United Nations Development Programme.

These leaders, along with many of the same players from the Human Development Report searched for concrete solutions and debated such steps as a new tax on speculative cross-border money flows (the Tobin tax] and the creation of a global securities and exchange commission. Commenting on the global tax, State Street's Marshall Carter said, "A cross-border transaction tax would only be passed on to our investors as a further cost of doing business." A steering committee was drawn up from the participants to further analyze the proposals and plan a follow-up. Do you see what I see?

There were other Summit dynamics. In Cairo, if there were 200 pro-lifers about 15 were evangelical and the rest were Catholic who brought money, manpower and material. Between September and March, I tried very hard to get various well-known evangelical organizations to go to Copenhagen. I told them the people from the third world needed their materials in order to have the truth. They told me they could not afford to go to Copenhagen and Beijing. To date a number of them have been denied entry to Beijing by the UN. So who was there? The occult, as represented by the Lucius Trust and over 22 groups representing 250 B'ahai from around the world. Both groups had booths where they distributed their materials and propagated their beliefs. In addition, there were a number of workshops conducted on "spiritual matters" which they conducted and which comprised about 4% of the 700 workshops available. They even had their own meditation room. Do you see what I see?

Many of the third world countries who came to Copenhagen, as they did Cairo, were looking for debt relief. As they said, "they can get all the condoms they want, but they can't get aspirin." In Cairo, the World Bank said they would have to look at debt restructuring. In Copenhagen, the World Bank said debt relief was not an option. There were a number of groups who protested the extreme poverty which the World Bank has caused. They varied as to where they came from, both Europe and the third world such as Thailand, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

As in Cairo, these same countries were told to go along with the Programme of Action or they would have problems getting their loans renewed or favorable interest rates. When it comes to voting for a world tax, I am sure the same dynamics will come into play. Do you see what I see?

Lastly, in the final working Programme of Action which went to Copenhagen to be "hammered out" and agreed to, the matter of "reproductive health" was in brackets which meant that it needed to be defined. In an upset, while the pro-life delegates were at their own press conference, a period of about 40 minutes, pro-abortion members of the working committee passed the reproductive health clause without further definition and sent it on to the main committee for passage. This clause includes fertility regulation and school based health clinics in all the schools of the world. I am told the "good part" is the fact that the school based clinics will have parental consent. The Third World, in commenting on the final document, said there was brutal pressure by the US, European Union, Canada, France and Australia to accept it. Do you see what I see?

How does this affect you and I? It affects and will affect everything. Economically, as the dollar drops and becomes worthless on the international currency markets, it will create havoc in ours and inflation will rise quick and fast as our purchasing power will drop and the effectiveness of what we can purchase will diminish. The fact that the UN has a religion and it is a combination of everyone's is of concern as Christ


is left out of the equation. The fact that the UN wants a world tax in order to empower themselves to pay for their own permanent army is scary...all one has to do is bring it to a logical conclusion in order to perhaps understand what could be possible. The fact that the UN will create the rules through "democracy" is also scary and the fact that they want our children is scary.

Where can we turn? Was Israel ever in a predicament like this? I believe you will find the same situation in Jeremiah 1-8. I see the UN as being the "people from the north" in Jeremiah 6:22 who were sent to judge Israel. I see the solution in Jeremiah 7:1-7 which is basically similar to II Chron. 7:14 which requires repentance. We must acknowledge that we have not protected liberty, we have not protected Christianity and Christian values, we have not protected society from the filth and baseness which we see all around, and we have not protected the innocent as they are now disposed of in grocery bags and left to die. We must repent, we must turn from our slothful ways, we must ask God to remove the scales of unbelief, pride, conceit and vanity from our own eyes so that we can see spiritually. We must turn from doing nothing to doing something, and we must do it now. I believe Jeremiah 8:16 may illustrate how close to judgement we may be as it says, "The snorting of his horses was heard..." Can you hear the UN snorting? Only YOU have the spiritual power to stop them for "Greater is He that is in you, than he who is in the world." General Douglas MacArthur said, "History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into economic and political decline. There has either been a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster." The choice is yours. The time is NOW.
