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Review of recommendations in Human Development Report 1994

United Nations Social Summit

March, 1995

Sunday, March 5, Pre-Conference Briefing


Shift from donor psychology of money to issue that component of global commitments...

Define new "shared bassi" for action

New Type of Political Process"

New Thinking - weave together into common favor

Place development at heart and at international level

Conferences helps UN define its role in development...what needs to be done at the national level what needs to be done at the international level is what helps us to be relevant to the concerns of governments which are Something more happens in these conference processes--something much more and that's a unique process itself. What you have seen in these conference processes of the United Nations since the Children's Summit is a new type of political process. Yes, it is intergoverment. It seeks to bring governments together to define a common basis for development cooperation. It is new because we are trying to shift from a domestic gift psychology of development to something that views development cooperation as part of a shared responsibility for shared ends. No longer domestic gift issue but something that is a component in goals, objectives, commitments which are ....mutual but it is an expression of mutual interest which is arrived at mutual and what we have are political forces which brings the key people from capital to what are often very torturous negotiations in in order to define the shared basis for action at the national, international, NGO development cooperation, economic and social policies. Even more than that, in a marketable way, the UN forces have brought in civil society into the legislative process. The way in which this process has been opened to the differences the influences from civil society to the extensive participation of NGOs, the organized institutions of civil society in the preparatory process, the development process, and I hope in the implement process is a new type of political process and this is very important...

Poul Nielson- Minister of Development Cooperation - Denmark

First time global community has met for social needs - how to organize the society in the future

First time history of UN focus on human being and security

Ideological principles - enabling environment

Public policies ar necessary to correct market fallacies

More equitable tax structures - ability poverty, reduce military spending

"A new type of political process has brought us where we are."


Development of New Economic Paradigm - Turn from growth paradigm

One could go one step further and say that the Summit is about the emergence of a new civil paradigm and what I mean by this is the turning away from the economic growth paradigm we have pursued in a single minded way in the past decade. We have made a first step to correct this paradigm in Rio in 1992 there we have agreed to the international community that development is not only economic growth but economic growth in line with environmental requirements and here we put people into this equation and what comes out is that development is economic growth environment and people all for different areas.... But the change in development paradigm will not end here in Copenhagen, there will be history after Copenhagen because we are looking ahead to Beijing where we will introduce further refinement in this development paradigm.

Beijing: Development is economic growth + environment + people and then the refinement of people--as men and women - paradigm in Beijing will be in gender.

The growth paradigm has not worked in the north - cited unemployment, Copenhagen calls for full employment. Socially responsible oriented adjustment programs - ENVIRONMENT PLUS GROWTH CONCERNS.

SEARCH FOR NEW WAYS OF DOING DEVELOPMENT IN THE FUTURE: The commitment to eradicate poverty.... Rio culmination of 20 years of discussion....since so patient in economic growth...here turning point in international development aid.

Which directions are we heading in the future....

Five examples of future changes that I see which will probably be agreed upon and become firm policy measures when we have future summits:

  1. Emerging: New Partnership between public and private sector. When you look at the documents in front of us, there are some references to including the private sector, but the private sector is not yet there. yet when you look to the fringes on the summit, there is for example,...how can we finance social development through the private sector in the future. How can we make that more developing countries benefit from private capital flows into these countries and take roots... and how can private capital be made available...
  2. Framework for Development Cooperation - In country after country, aid allocations decline - northern taxpayers hesitant to pay more ...because tremendous social problems....most development problems are of global nature, why should we not tap global sources in order to generate the funding for that and the global sources would be the international currency movement. A figure of $1T moving around everyday between countries as we have suggested in the 1994 Human Development Report, place a minuscule tax of .005% of 1%, one could generate $150B or 3 times the amount of official development assistance....there are many other sources... --Futures Journal which is devoted to new and innovative sources of Development.
  3. Governance Area - We are moving very rapidly towards global governance - the Global Governance Commission Report was discussed like the strengthening of ECOSOC.... the discussion on the report took place on a battleship by the NGO forum - big pink military ship....most fantastic example of conversion I have seen.
  4. Understand and concept of Security Growing attention of the fact that the weapons we have stockpiled are not helping us with security...turning to boomerangs...increasing development has to take into consideration security...we will, in turns asking the military to cut military spending and transfer those monies into the social sector.
  5. Emergence of New Type of Leadership Many of the problems facing is the fact that the world in the last century was ruled not only by man ...5 % of token women...moves us into sustainable development.

David De Ferranti - World Bank

--Support main themes of Summit

--Military expenditures --- to much money spending on military

1% reduction of military - 250 m children education

--20:20 Iniative - support

--Tap resources from private sector -

--Debt --- IBRD Debt - and IDA - Bilateral debt---Wipe out costly IBRD debt and replace with


Bella Abzug

Bretton Woods - 1944 - world Bank and IMF - $770 Bilion total world spending.

New and International Resources

Mexican crisis

Tax Speculative International Currency


Women's rights by taking 50%.

Asking questions: Plants such as Hazel Henderson question on "Innovative financing for Social Development--exchange fees order to capitalize markets.



--Ideas of World Bank in 60's and 70's flawed

--ECOSOC - Resources - Rio cap of 0.7% by end of cntury

Richard Jolly

--Goals 2000 -

Serious process of national at local level to mobilize locally and internationally -

--Restructuring national resources and international resouces of AID

--Human Development Report - 20:20

--Monitoring mechanism at each level

--Gender equality and empowerment of women

--Belief in Economic Security Council - shift focus from periodic actions to day to day.

--Economic security Council should have dealt with Barings Bank and Mexico

Razali Ismail

--If have economic Council bring all economic and political problems of the world to the center


Melinda Kimble - US State Department

--Unique point in world society - Doable and Practicle things---

--Can start the process of new approach for new development

--Better monitoring systems in every country to determein what they can do.

--Nuclear non-proliferation treaty

--More linkages between Bretton Woods

--work on Global Strucutre

--Re-engineer multilateral framework

ul Haq

--Global monioring - tremendous innovation, the new development role of UN, not just peacekeeping. To add to Economic Security Council

--No Security Council today meets needs of world today. In an era of democracy...are asking for

exerciese of rights of people

--New Economic Security Council with NO VETO VOTE

--New Era of Global Human Security....Restrucuturing ECOSOC




--Today global economou affects everyone...

--to rethink the thought

--new social compact at global level is required--should be the focus of the World Assembly

--The actors of anew social policy on a global scale

Prime Minister of Denmark - President of Conference

--New era of international cooperation between governments--based on spirit of....

--focus on human security

--need new solutions, new alliance,s new values