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Under the guise of slick words, the United Nations is looking to add international representation to its structure so that the people of the world can have a "say in their deliberations." This will provide them with legitimacy as the people of the world bypass their national governments. To those of us who know truth, understanding that the United Nations is a world government is not new. By adding a "People's Parliament" or a "People's Millennium Assembly" to it's structure suggests that they feel they are so far along in the process that there will not be any opposition to their actions. Concurrently, the one worlders are working on a global tax and to add a rapid deployment force. Unfortunately, many of these globalists are in the U.S. House and Senate as House Bill 4453 has just been introduced to provide the UN with a rapid deployment forceyours sons and grandson may serve in it.

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of the People's Millennium Assembly, let us take a look at the history which has brought us to this point.

Background History

Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, Dr. Carroll Quigley, wrote several books, two of which deal with the formation of world government. The first is Tragedy and Hope which is an 1,100 page tome which gives the true history "behind the news." His second key book, The Anglo-American Establishment, was published after he died and presents "crucial 'keys' without which 20th century political, economic, and military events can never be fully understood." (Carroll Quigley, The Anglo- American Establishment, (New York City: Books in Focus, Introductory Page). In order to provide the crucial keys, this book deals with the life and goals of Cecil John Rhodes, the British aristocrat who went to South Africa to mine diamonds and discovered gold. When he died, he left his fortune in a series of seven trusts in which he wanted his trustees to find a way to bring America back under British rule. "The Rhodes Scholarships, established by the terms of Cecil Rhodes's seventh will, are known to everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. And what does not seem to be known to anyone is that this secret society was created by Rhodes and his principal trustee, Lord Milner, and continues to exist to this day." (Ibid, ix.)

The handpicked trustees, Lord Milner, Lord Rosebery, Lord Grey, Alfred Beit, L.L. Mitchell, B. F. Hawksley, and Dr. Starr Jameson were chosen to carry out his wishes. There have also been numerous others like Arthur Balfour (Balfour Declaration), Lord Rothschild (the bank), Lord Esherall men of great wealth, power, and position. Together they determined that what was needed to bring the countries of the world together was a peace movementunder the auspices of an organization such as the League of Nations. According to Quigley, "The British ideas on the League and the British drafts of the Covenant [League of Nations] were formed by four men, all close to the Milner Group [Lord Milner]. They were Lord Robert Cecil, General Smuts, Lord Phillimore, and Alfred Zimmern (Ibid, 250). It should be pointed out that the Royal Institute for International Affairs and Council on Foreign Relations are the successors to Rhodes trustees and his goals to unite the world under British rule.

As such, it was the British who also began the clamoring for such a type of organization through major speeches and a pamphlet called, The League of Nations, a Practical Suggestion, released in December 1918. In discussing the idea, the Milner Group published an article written by one of its very important members, Lionel Curtis. In it, he wrote, "'[The League must not be a world government.] If the burden of a world government is placed on it it will fall with a crash. He pointed out it could be a world government only if it represented peoples and not states, and if it had the power to tax those peoples" (Ibid, 252).

As you know, our Senate, very wisely in the 1920s refused to ratify the League of Nations treaty. The League went away by itself to Switzerland where it continued to set up its structure until the time when the world would be ready for it. That time came in 1945 after a second world war when its successor, the United Nations, which was heartily endorsed by President Roosevelt who named the new global structure, claimed to be a place where the world leaders could come together to discuss their differences to avert war. We should point out that FDR made more than 800 speeches in support of the League of Nations.

In the fifty-five years since its founding, a governmental structure has evolved rather than a conference type of arrangement, suggesting something more powerful and more deliberate. If you were to take a look at the cabinet level departments of our government, you would find for each department that there is a corresponding agency or committee at the United Nations. For example, the Office of President corresponds to that of the Secretary General, the Department of Defense to the Security Council, the Department of Treasury to the International Monetary Fund/World Bank, the Department of State to the General Assembly, the Department of Trade to the world Trade Organization, the Department of Labor to the International Labor Organization-ILO, the Department of Education to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-UNESCO, the Department of Health and Human Service to the World Health Organization-WHO and UNICEF, the Department of Agriculture to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization-FAO, The Department of the Interior to the United Nations Development Programme-UNDP and the United Nations Environmental Programme-UNEP, and the Supreme Court to the World Court. Lastly, it appears that the Justice Department will correspond to the recently established International Criminal Court. The only thing it appears to lack is a chamber for representatives elected by the people of the world, taxation, and its own army, all of which are currently in the process of coming together.

A number of years ago a friend told me of a diagram which appeared to be that of the future structure of the United Nations for it added to the current structure a "Upper Chamber or People's Assembly. This appeared in the Gaia Peace Atlas which was published in 1988. The People's Assembly would be comprised of a number of groups of people: Professional Bodies such as the Parliamentarians for Global Action; foundations such as the Ford, Rockefeller, Pew Charitable Trust, MacArthur, and Carnegie, to name a few; multinational corporationsyou know all the big names which would include the International Chamber of Commerce, the World Economic Forum, and The World Business Council for Sustainable Development; and United Nations Agencies such as the ILO, WHO, FAO and UNESCO. A diagram can be seen in Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince.

To set the stage for whatever the United Nations does, there is always a great number of actors raising ideas about its next movebe it the International Criminal Court, global taxes, a standing army, or a People's Parliament which they hope are perceived by you and me to be innocent ideasas if their clamoring was a natural outpouring of the people of the world. Unfortunately, the people call for such radical ideas are being paid by the multinational corporations and foundations to change the world to fit another's idea. Two stage-setting ideas and recommendations follow. Note: These books and reports are considered "soft international law" meaning that at some point they will be acted upon, thus making them "hard law." Soft law is a way of paving the way for the real agenda.

Our Global Neighborhood

When I was at my first United Nations Conference in Cairo, I had the occasion to speak with Sir. Shridath Ramphal, one of the co-chairmen of the Commission on Global Governance which is the group that wrote the result of their findings on how to change the world and the United Nations to fit our "growing interdependence." Interestingly enough of all the members who served on the Commission, the only ones who were not communist, socialist, or Marxist were those from the United States!

Their findings and suggestions are radical, far ranging, and geared to putting the final touches on a world government structure. Of course, they never use the phrase "government" but they use a new one which (maybe they coined) "Governance". They define governance as: "the sum of the many ways individuals and institutions, public and private, manage their common affairs. It is a continuing process through which conflicting or diverse interests may be accommodated and co-operative action may be taken. It includes formal institutions and regimes empowered to enforce compliance, as well as informal arrangements that people and institutions either have agreed to or perceive to be in their interest." (Shridath Ramphal and Ingvar Carlsson, Our Global Neighborhood The Report of the Commission on Global Governance, New York: Oxford University Press. 1995, 2)

This definition is extremely broad and can be churned as the need arises to fit their intentions at a moments notice. Their report goes on to say, "It is our firm conclusion that the United Nations must continue to play a central role in global governance." (Ibid)

The following outlines some of their many recommendations:


1. The security of people and the security of the planet should be goals of global security policy, along with the security of states.

2. The Charter of the United Nations should be revised to allow the Security council to authorize action in situations within countries, but only if the security of people is so severely violated as to require an international response on humanitarian grounds. [I believe the action taken in East Timor where the Malaysian government ended up allowing the UN in to help "settle" a situation. However, it should be noted that they were threatened with new economic sanctions.]

3. A United Nations Volunteer Force should be formed and be available for rapid deployment under the authority of the Security Council. [My former (I moved) Congresswoman Constance Morella

has co-sponsored HR4453 to have our government vote on a UN Rapid Deployment Force.].


4. An Economic Security Council should be established within the United Nations to provide political leadership and promote consensus on international economic issues and on balanced and sustainable development. It should be a representative body, it should meet once a year at the level of Heads of Government or at the Finance Minister level, the IMF/World Bank/ and the WTO should be invited to report regularly to it.

5. A Global Competition Office should be set up to provide oversight.

6. The role of the International Monetary Fund should be enhanced by enabling it to: (a) enlarge its capacity to provide balance-of payment support, (b) oversee policy in major economies as part of a more active policy of seeking policy convergence (c) release of a new issue of Special Drawing Rights, and (d) improve its capacity to support nominal exchange rates. [These are already in the making as part of "reinventing" the IMF and World Bank.]

7. The World Bank should be equipped to play a greater role in development financing. [The World Bank is in the process of being changed from a bank to a "development Authority."]

8. A more radical debt reduction is needed for heavily indebted low-income countries. [This is in the process of happening. Currently there is a bill pending in Congress to have American taxpayers fund $435 million towards this endeavor. However, in order to turn the World Bank into a World Development Agency, the World Bank needs to have $80 billion forgiven by the countries of the world.]

General Assembly

9. The General Assembly should protect its member's authority to approve the UN budget and to allocate contributions

10. The General Assembly should be revitalized as a universal forum of the worlds nations.

Trusteeship Council

11. The Trusteeship Council should be given a new mandate: to exercise trusteeship over the global commons [oceans, atmosphere, space].


12. The UN should examine, in consultation with the respective government, the continuing usefulness of its Regional Economic Commissions, and should strengthen organizations formed by countries to pursue regional collaboration.

Strengthening and Enforcing International Law

13. All members of the United Nations should accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the World court.

14. An international criminal court should be established [Done-July 1998].

The Commission ends their report by saying, "Global governance, once viewed primarily as concerned with intergovernmental relationships, now involves not only governments and intergovernmental institutions but also non-governmental organizations (NGOs), citizens' movements, transnational corporations, academia, and the mass media. The emergence of a global civil society reflects a large increase in the capacity and will of people to take control of their own lives" (Ibid, 335).

The 1999 Human Development Report

This report by the United Nations Development Programme-UNDP is one of a series which has been published since 1993. In 1994, they published a radical set of recommendations calling for world government and a world tax, among other things. In the 1999 report, they stated, even more radical things than Our Global Government.

This report states, "Global governance with a human face requires SHARED values, standards and attitudesa wide acceptance of human responsibilities and obligations. Those values include respect for life, liberty, justice and equality"(Human Development Report 1999, 98).

Their recommendations include:

1. "Develop a Global Code of Conduct for Multinational Corporations and a Global Monitoring Forum

Multinational corporations are a dominant part of the global eocnomyyet their actions go unrecorded and unaccounted. They need to be brought within the frame of global governance, not just the patchwork of national laws, many multinational corporations are taking their social responsibilities more seriously. Also needed is a glboal forum to bring multinational corporations into open debate with other parts in the global communityunions, NGOs and government.

2. "Preventing Future Financial Crises

The financial crises of the 90s have been systemicwith finance surging in and out of countries at a speed and volume beyond the capacity of any country on its own to control. A UN task forces proposed:

a. Removing the requirements that countries liberalize capital accounts as a condition for borrowing.

b. Developing regional and sub-regional initiatives to support monetary and financial arrangement.

3. "Controlling Global Crime

An international convention against transnational organized rime is under preparation. Key measures include:

a. "Encouraging cooperation in law enforcement and surveillance with support for advanced investigation techniques. [Please see my book, The United Nations Global Straitjacket, chapter 8 in which I discuss the integration of the local fire, police, rescue with the international level.]

b. Enhancing international judicial cooperationtransfer of cases from one jurisdiction to another

c. Obliging states to develop effective programmes for protecting witnesses/legal professionals. [What you are seeing is the "harmonization" of police, legal, and other professions on a global basis.]

4. "Public Private Partnerships

New partnerships between governments, corporations, private voluntary associations and other stakeholders should be developed. The effects of global markets on local cultural industries both good and bad should be more clearly recognized. [Both Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince and The United Nations Global Straitjacket address public-private partnerships which basically constitute fascism. Al Gore's "Reinventing Government" program uses public-private partnerships as the new core for our government.]

5. "Narrowing Global Gaps

In the Human Development Report 1994, they quote Jan Tinbergen, the first Nobel Prize winner in economics, "There should also be redistribution at the international level through development cooperation. As the world economy becomes increasingly integrated, so the redistribution of world income should be similar to that within well governed nations" (P.94 of that report). [This basically refers to the communist/socialist goal of transfer of wealth. We should ask ourselves, "what is America doing tied up in an organization like this?" and "How come our government ratifies and supports these kind of measures?"]

This transfer is being brought along by the Group of Seven, the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund through the "Highly Indebted Poor Countries Debt Relief Program." Please seen UN Watch! for March-April.

6. "Build a Global Architecture for the 21st Century

The Human Development Report 1999 states "With new challenges of globalization and the need to ensure stronger action on old problems and new, the time has come to RETHINK THE GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE. Some key elements of an IMPROVED INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE:

a. Stronger and more coherent UN system with greater commitment from all countries

b. A global central bank [In the process]

c. A global investment trust with re-distributive functions and transfer mechanisms

d. A global environment agency

e. A revised World Trade Organization, fairer and an expanded mandate [In the process]

f. An international criminal court with a broader mandate for human rights. [Established 1998]

g. A broader UN, including a two chamber General Assembly to allow for civil society representation

[People's Millennium Assembly].

The following will concentration on two of the above: a global investment trust and a two chamber General Assembly.

Global Investment Trust

"There is an urgent need for new mechanisms to generate additional flows of resources to poor developing countries as well as new funding for global public goods. Private investment flows are important but experience shows two problems (1) Volatilityespecially portfolio flows [like money being withdrawn quickly from third world countries], and (2) the tendency for foreign direct investment to be concentrated in a small number of developing countries. Several ways to generate additional revenue include:

a. Mobilize resources as a by-product of revenues raised form "polluter-pays" charges on global pollution

b. Charge rent/royalties on the use of the "global commons" such as under-seabed mineral sources or radio waves

c. Introduce taxes on such items as international air tickets

d. Implement the Tobin tax proposallevy a charge on short-term financial movements and restrain volatile flows of short-term finance (p113)."

With regard to these outrageous suggestions, we had better realize, they are serious suggestions from serious Marxists/Communists at the United Nations. Let's take the "polluter-pays tax," in this scenario if you have a house in which there is an old buried oil tank which might be leaking, you could be fined for this violation of the environment and pay a "polluter pays tax" which could possibly be sent directly to the United Nationsperhaps the local, state and national governments would receive a small amount for their efforts, but the bulk would/might go to the United Nations.

The tax on airline tickets and international telephone calls (not listed here) are very possible and probably easier to administer than the Tobin tax which even the economic gurus at MIT say would be hard to collect and monitor.

All of these would be in lieu of a direct UN taxbut the day may come when we will add that to our list of "taxes to pay."

Again, we are not seeing any kind of out rage by our fellow Americans or any kind of repression by our government which basically is a major power in expanding the United Nations.

People's Millennium Assembly


The people who gave the world the International Criminal Court and the Land Mine Treaty, have come together once again to give us a "People's Parliament". Officers of the Millennium Forum which is the umbrella organization include co-chairs from Bahai International and the UN with Vice -Chairs divided up by regions with Europe being represented by the World Federation of United Nations Associations, the International Youth and Student Movement for the UN, with North America represented by the World Federalist Movement. Other groups and organizations which are forum associates and contributors include: Child Welfare League, International Council of Jewish Women, International Federation of Social Workers, International Union ofr Land Value Taxation, Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, Lucius Trust, Pathways to Peace, Queens Chinese Women's Association, Sisters of Mercy, and ZONTA International, to name a few. Contributing individuals include: Sylvan Barnet from Rotary International, Dianne Dillon-Ridgley from Worldwide YWCA;s, Alan Kay and Hazel Henderson [friends of Gorbachev and outright Marxists] , Robert Kauffman Building Services from the Association of World Citizens, and Norma Levitt, NGO Repr., World Union for Progressive Judaism.


In the July 1997 set of proposals for United Nations reform, Secretary General Kofi Annan called for the designation of the year 2000 session of the General Assembly as "a Millennium Assembly" which he said should "focus on preparing the United Nations to meet the major challenges and needs of the world community in the twenty-first century." He said, it should be accompanied by a "Peoples' Assembly."

People and Ideas

I interviewed a number of people at the PrepCom. Two which stand out are Dr. Andrew Strauss, Associate Professor of International Law at Widener University School of Law, who along with Dr. Richard Falk, are the leaders in the idea of an electoral assembly on the global level to represent you and I and Titus Alexander.

Dr. Andrew Strauss

Dr. Strauss delivered an important speech with regard to the broad framework. He said,

I think if this meeting is about anything we could think of [it] symbolically where civil society [NGOs] has been officially called in to have this meeting at the UN as the end of the 'Old Paradigm.' And what is the Old Paradigm of sovereignty? [emphasis added] It says, 'citizens if they are going to be represented at the international level are going to be represented through their states. The international Orderis between nations and states and it is the interstate order. The only role for civil society is within their states so the best you can have as a citizen's group is to lobby your own government and have them represent your interest at the international level. I think that the old idea of sovereignty of politics for citizens within or between states is over.

He went on to give a number of proposals for how this new international arrangement would work. Basically he supports the idea of a directly elected assembly by all the people of the world which would create some sort of advisory body with law making powers over time. Using the model of elected representatives in the United States as his model, he said that the elections would help the process be noticed, "It would have great legitimacy and put the opponents of it and those who didn't like it in the position to either give it legitimacy or they would have to go into the fray and fight with us and in the process of doing so, would legitimize it more and moremuch the same way it did in England when they first started a Parliament which was at first only advisory to the King."

In an interview with him, I asked about the problem with public-private partnerships which is a partnership between governments, corporations and NGOs (civil society).

Veon: "With regard to the strengthening of civil society, civil society is greatly strengthened through public-private partnerships, could you address this with regard to various comments you made on different ways for civil society to become more empowered.

Strauss: We are in a bit of a hybrid situation which doesn't fit any models of political theory right nowthe way that civil society and states are coming together. I think it is the most effect strategy for states and civil society together to push for progressive initiatives which they both support because that is what made the Land Mines Treaty successful, the International Criminal Court and the Global Warming Treaty as well. All three are examples in which civil society got together with governments.

Veon: How do you see the role of the NGO's and corporate society as many NGOs are being funded by the corporations, how are safeguards going to be put in place between those relationships?

Strauss: Obviously it's a very, very tricky questions and there are tremendous possibilities for co-option. It is one of the reasons why I support some sort of electoral assembly because I ultimately believe that civil society organizations, to claim the voice of the people, rather than lobbyists groups, is very problematic, even if they aren't infiltrated by corporate money. The accusation can be easily made, 'Just who do they represent?' Other than themselves. So we need some sort of system which rests on some sort of popular legitimacy through some sort of representative electoral model and have civil society organizations championing their causes."

Titus Alexander - Charter99

Titus Alexander is with the Charter 99 group which is sponsored through the United Nations Association of Great Britain. The charter which can be found on their websight: www.charter99.org is a very interesting document. It credits new energy and precision for international government: "The Commission on Global Governance and their efforts to draw up a framework for global politics. The Hague Agenda for Peace, Jubilee 2000, the campaigning to create an International Criminal Court."

Charter99 goes on to say, "It is that in many ways we now have world government. It is not to be found at the United Nations, Rather the UN has been sidelined, while the real business of world government is done elsewhere. Global policies are discussed and decided behind closed doors by exclusive groups such as the G8, OECD, the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and others. Together they have created what can can be seen as dominant and exclusive institutions of world government. All too often they are influenced by transnational corporations which pursue their own world strategies."

The purpose of Charter99 is to "start the new century by initiating the process of democratic global governance based on openness and accountability." The key word is "accountability." This new document calls for accountability of all the above groups. What makes this effort so interesting is that Titus Alexander tells me he wrote to scores of people and organizations to get their endorsement. Some of those who endorse his effort include: Jonathan Dimbleby [authored most of Prince Charles official biographies], Jonathan Porritt [very good friend of Prince Charles], Sir Shridath Ramphal [co-chairman of the Commission on Global Governance who he said called him up on a Sunday afternoon to congratulate him on this document. Now really. Sir Ramphal served as the President of the Commonwealth for over ten years and worked very closely with the queen. How very common!], Anita Roddick - president of BodyWorks and closely affiliated with Prince Charles], and about two dozen with titles of Baroness, Lord and Sir. When I asked him if the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum had endorsed Charter99, he told me he had not written to them yet. I find this and the fact that the number of individuals who have close ties with the queen or the Prince of Wales very interesting. I don't think it is coincidental!

Charter99 supports twelve areas for urgent action which include: Monitor and regulate international corporations and financial institutions, Strengthen the UN peacekeeping and multilateral global security, create equal world citizenship based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights and covenants, Ratify the International Criminal Court, Create an International Environmental court, and Make poverty reduction a global priority. Do any of these surprise you? They just happen to coincide with the Commission on Global Governance and the Human Development Report 1999.

The Peoples Millennium Forum Declaration and Agenda for Action

This document is as a result of 1,350 representatives of over 1000 NGOs and other civil society organizations. This hardly in a world of 8 billion represents the people of the world! However, this document is twenty-one pages long. They provide a "Vision Statement" and then enumerate numerous duties for governments and civil society. Instead of grouping them using their format, the following is by their subtitles:


"Our vision is of a world that is human-centered and genuinely democratic. In our vision we are one human family, in all our diversity, living on one common homeland and sharing a just, sustainable and peaceful world, guided by universal principles of democracy, equality, inclusion, voluntarism, non-discrimination and participation by all persons, men and women, young and old, regardless of race, faith, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity or nationality. It is a world where peace and human security, as envisioned in the principles of the United nations Charter, replace armaments, violent conflict and wars.

Eradication of Poverty: Including Social Development and Debt Cancellation

1. "The UN: To act as an independent arbitrator to balance the interest of debtor and creditor nations and to monitor how debt cancellation funds are spent.

2. To immediately establish at the UN, a Global Poverty Eradication Fund, which will ensure that poor people have access to credit, with contributions from governments, corporations, and the World Bank and other Sources.

3. To cancel debts of developing countries, including odious debts, the repayment of which diverts funds from basic needs.

4. Civil Society: To develop new relations and partnerships among community institutions, educators, scientists, researchers, local authorities, businesses, labor and NGOs.

5. Civil Society: To exert our best efforts to implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Peace, Security, and Disarmament

"The UN and its member states have failed to fulfill their primary responsibility of maintaining peace. The Forum urges:

1. The UN: To carry out the objective of moving toward the abolition of war, the UN should develop a draft proposal for global disarmament to be discussed at a special session on Disarmament.

2. To assist the Security Council on conflict prevention in a more flexible way, the General Assembly should establish an open-ended Conflict Prevention Committee to serve a rapid action conflict prevention and early warning function.

3. To expand the UN Arms register to show production and sale of small arms and light weapons.

4. To establish ready police and peacekeeping forces.

Facing the Challenge of Globalization: Equity, Justice and Diversity

1. "UN: To reform and democratize all levels of decision making in the Bretton Woods institutions and WTO and integrate them fully into the United Nations system, making these institutions ACCOUNTABLE to the Economic and Social Council [ECOSOC, one of the UN organs].

2. To move towards democratic political control of the global economy so that it may serve our vision.

3. Governments: To make serious commitments to restructure the global financial architecture based on principles of equity, transparency, accountability, and democracy, and to balance, with the participation of civil society organizations, the monetary means to favor human endeavor, and ecology such as an alternative time-based currency. To give particular attention to eradication of unequal taxation and to impose new forms of taxation such as the Tobin tax, and regional and national capital controls.

Human Rights

"The United Nations human rights treaty regime, composed of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Covenants and Conventions, is acknowledged to be one of the three core objectives of the United NationsHuman Rights, Development and Peace.

1. The indivisibility, interdependence and inter-relatedness of all human rights have been repeatedly reaffirmed at the level of rhetoric. However, in practice civil and political rights have been given a higher priority than economic, social and cultural rights, often to the detriment of both sets of rights.

2. The Forum urges the United Nations to: strengthen the existing international human rights system to ensure full recognition, respect for and realization of human rights for all; and implement all those UN resolutions calling for self- determination and to end to military occupation, To protect the rights of people under military occupation, To establish a fair and effective International Criminal Court.

Sustainable Development and the Environment

"Sustainable development is the recognition that environment and development issues should be addressed in an integrated manner.

1. The Forum urges the United Nations to strengthen its capacity to monitor governments and require their compliance with Agenda 21, their commitments in Rio, commitments made during the Commission on Sustainable Development meetings, the Copenhagen Declaration, and the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on Climate Change.

2. To encourage its organs, especially UNEP and UNDP, to actively support the establishment of sustainablility centres to advise local governments on the implementation of Agenda 21 in local communities through comprehensive, integrated development policies and strategies.

3. To endorse the Earth Charter in the UN General Assembly.

Strengthening and Democratizing the United Nations and International Organizations

"A major task of the world community in the twenty-first century will be to strengthen and greatly enhance the role of the United Nations in the global context. Governments must recommit themselves to the realization of the goals and mandates of the United Nations Charter.

1. The Forum urges the United Nations to strengthen the coordinating role of the UN General Assembly to ensure that it can fulfill the mandates it already has according to the UN Charter

2. To make sure the Security Council is more representative of the world.

3. To limit and move toward eliminating the use of the veto.

4. To develop more effective means not requiring the use of force to prevent the outbreak of war.

5. To make the International Court of Justice the locus of a more effective, integrated system of inter-

national justice.

6. To consider the creation of a UN parliamentary body related to the UN General Assembly. Our proposal is the creation of a consultative Parliamentary Assembly which should have its membership elected through an election process.

7. To move towards the creation of alternative revenue sources for the United Nations. The UN should set up expert groups and begin the necessary intergovernmental negotiations towards establishing alternative revenue sources, which could include fees for the commercial use of the oceans, fees for airplane use of the skies, fees for use of the electromagnetic spectrum, fees on the foreign exchange transactions (Tobin Tax) and a tax on the carbon content of fuels.

8. Civil Society: to support the creation and funding of a Global Civil Society Forum to meet at least every two to three years and that such a forum is conducted democratically and transparently and is truly representative of all sectors of civil society and all parts of the world."

What do we have here? We have three major groupsthe Commission on Global Governance which is a group of experts from the international level (even if they are all communist/Marxists), the United Nations through their agency the UNDP issuing their report, the Human Development Report 1999, and now the "people of the world" saying they want world government, the United Nations system to be strengthened, national governments to yield more rights and powers to the international level, sustainable development to rule and guild the earth along with the Earth Charter, a complete re-ordering of our life as we know it, and the elimination of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. What makes me extremely angry is that the Church is in "Lala Land", the so-called conservative groups only discuss a very small segment of the overall global governmental agendaabortion; our Congress creating and passing laws to accommodate the wiles of the United Nations, and the American people just want their can of beer (root beer of course) and their entertainment! Are you mad yet?

After pushing for "free trade", our farmers are now pushing for Permanent Most Favored Nation Trading Status for China and they haven't even figured out that they (1) have sold their farms to third world vegetables, grains and fruit farms and (2) are feeding the most viable enemy that we have who just might decide to add the land that America has to their borders!

Meanwhile the stock market is now moving in 1000 to 2000 point swings while the "day traders" and those in the inner economic and monetary circle take their profits at our expense. The stock market is managed and is not based on pure old fashion supply and demand.

Lastly, Clinton and Gore keep adding more land to national park status while the governors are adding more land to state park statusthus containing growth so that all of us will live in what the UN calls, "urban settlements" where we can be contained and taxed to death.

This letter needs to be reprinted and passed around to your friends, relatives, and neighbors. YOU need to be an army of one. If the movie "Patriot" sent a message about anything it was about being an individual and doing what was necessary to oppose evil. The day and the hour is now. The time is now. Don't delay. Your country is at stake!